Monday 16 May 2011

An inside sort of day

Apart from a brief glimpse of some early morning sunshine Sunday was a dull cloudy day. Although the wind had abated a little it still felt cool coming from a north westerly direction.

It was more a day for working inside rather than outside. We're still growing seedlings under our indoor grow light with some success. These outdoor cucumber seedlings are ready for transplanting and have produced good strong healthy plants under the grow light.
Outdoor cucumber - Burpless Tasty Green
We've plenty of young birds about at the moment and I thought it might be fun trying to get some photographs of them. The're very shy and don't like their pictures taking but I did manage to get a picture of a baby blackbird and robin.
Young blackbird
This youngster was getting a drink as well as getting its feathers ruffled in the breeze.
Young robin
Much more tricky to photograph as it kept darting about and just didn't want its picture taking. 


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